Sharon Ragin CPA, LLC also provides quality financial planning and consulting services, tailored for your financial background, needs and goals. Sharon Ragin CPA, LLC specializes in ensuring everyone holds the keys to the future of their financial success. We provide programs and education on the best practices that enable you to Control Your Funds, so that you may Control Your Future!
Sharon Ragin CPA Consulting Services Inc. provides services to Small Businesses Earning Revenue of Less than Thirty Million. We Provide Start-Up Consultations, Entrepreneurship Workshops Virtually or In-Person, Cash Flow Projections, Capital Budgets, Five Year Budget Preparation, Retirement Planning, Tax Projections, Entity Analysis, and Quickbooks Training, and Other Services. Visit me on Instagram (sharonragin_cpamtx) to view my weekly snippets on entrepreneurship!
Prepare Cash and Accrual Basis Financial Statements, Non-Profit Accounting, Ratio Analysis, Bookkeeping, Compilations, Statement of Cash Flows, General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Depreciation Schedules, Lease Accounting, Revenue Billing, Payroll Services, Workers Compensation Reporting, Reconcile Bank Accounts, Cash Flow Projection Reporting, Budget Preparation, Ratio Analysis, Daily Bank Balance Reporting Specialty Invoice Billing.
New Business Planning, Sales and Use Tax, Payroll Taxes, 1099 Reporting, Personal Property Taxes, Federal and State Tax Projections, Corporate & Business Tax Preparation, Electronic Filing, Personal Net Worth Reporting, Depreciation Schedules, Capital Budgeting, and Other Services.